Renton, Washington
Inspired by the glass mural in Montreal that was commissioned by the Sisters of Providence, this modern interpretation blends textural elements of nature, Christianity and historic photography. Starting with PDG's concept, Fireart's Jeff Wallin worked with Acme Graphic Design to create a rich vocabulary of distinct visual elements.
Components made from custom glass blends and photo transfers were hand cut, assembled, and fused into four large panels for a seamless presentation. LED lamps backlight the installation.
Washington, DC
The Library of Congress John Adams Building needed new entry doors.
The original bronze doors were beginning to fail and didn't meet modern building codes. Rather than rebuild them the Architect of the Capitol decided to leave those doors permanently open and construct new doors with glass panels just inside the originals.
Cast out of clear glass, these twelve figures represent actual and mythical individuals who played significant roles in the development of language through reading or writing.
Plainsboro, NJ
Fireart created the four seasons in glass for Princeton University's new medical center donor walls and plaques. The concept, from Presentation Design Group, was to carry the color scheme of the four seasons throughout the hospital. Nearly 300 pieces were fabricated using a combination of sheet glass, powdered glass, and silkscreened images on five major walls and numerous individual donor plaques.
Puyallup, Washington
Four layers of fused and laminated glass were used to create depth in the pastoral imagery of farmland, mountain and sky. Like our first project with Hirsch, her focus is on place and the calming influence it has in the hospital setting. The composite includes four wall surfaces and a foreground glass curtain for silkscreened names.
Springfield, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
As a benefit for the Architectural Foundation of Oregon and a challenge to Portland architects and glass fabricators, Bullseye Glass Company and Columbia Wire and Iron Works challenged eight of Portland’s most talented designers to team up with the city’s best glass fabricators to explore the concept of Read More...
Portland, Oregon
The new Providence Hospital Cancer Center opened with a stunning fountain cast with clear and colored glass at Fireart’s studio. Besides its large size, the project demanded a perfectly flat edge so water would fall in an even circular sheet from the bowl. Read More...
Portland Oregon
As the first Platinum LEED building in Oregon, the Oregon Health Science University wanted to add dramatic flair to its entrance and reception area. Fireart built a two piece countertop, allowing for easy wheelchair access as well as standard height counter. Read More...
Bend, Oregon
Portland artist Alex Hirsch was selected to design two sliding glass panels for the ODS Company in Bend, Oregon. Fireart worked closely with Hirsch to translate her image Read More...
Portland, Oregon
Suenn Ho chose color as the primary aspect of her Betweenness project. She was intrigued by changes, or color shifts, within the glass depending on the light source and viewing angle. Read More...
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Lake Oswego, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Washington, DC
Encompassing 580,000 square feet on three levels below ground, the new Capitol Visitor Center in Washington DC officially opened December 2008. Read More...
Las Vegas, Nevada
With 44 million passengers annually, lighting is not an afterthought. Lighting contractor, Creative Light Source, chose Fireart to manufacture these custom, deeply bent diffusers using a blend of glass powders.